
Open third party apps

This module contains functions to run actions on third party apps. Some apps support returning the result, but a lot of actions will just return None.

A list of supported apps can be found at

class apps.Agenda

Actions for Agenda.

append_to_note(text, on_the_agenda, title=None, project_title=None, identifier=None, date=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, attachment=None, filename=None) → str

Append text or an attachment to a note, or change the title or date

create_note(title, text, project_title=None, identifier=None, date=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, attachment=None, filename=None) → str

Create a note. In the given project. (title or identifier)

open_note(title=None, project_title=None, identifier=None) → str

Open a note. Identified by title or identifier.

open_on_the_agenda() → str

Open the On the Agenda overview.

open_project(title=None, project_title=None, identifier=None) → str

Open a project. Identified by title or identifier.

open_today() → str

Open the Today overview.

class apps.Airmail

Actions for Airmail.

compose(subject=None, _from=None, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, plainBody=None, htmlBody=None)

Open a new email draft in Airmail

class apps.Awair

Actions for Awair.


Opens the Awair+ tab


Opens the Device List view


Opens the Inbox tab


Opens the Awair Score tab


Opens the Tips tab

trend(deviceType, deiviceId, component, timestamp)

Opens the Trend tab

class apps.Bear

Actions for Bear.

add_file(id=None, title=None, file=None, filename=None, mode=None, open_note=None) → str

Append or prepend a file to a note identified by its title or id.

add_text(id=None, title=None, text=None, mode=None, exclude_trashed=None, open_note=None) → str

Append or prepent text to a note identified by its title or id.

change_font(font=None) → str

Change the selected Bear Font.

change_theme(theme=None) → str

Change the selected Bear theme. Some themes may require a Bear Pro subscription.

create_note(title=None, text=None, tags=None, pin=None, file=None, filename=None, open_note=None) → str

Create a new note and return its unique identifier. Empty notes are not allowed.

delete_tag(name=None) → str

Delete an existing tag.

grab_url(url=None, images=None, tags=None, pin=None) → str

Create a new note with the content of a web page.

open_note(id=None, title=None, exclude_trashed=None) → str

Open a note identified by its title or id and return its content.

open_tag(name=None) → str

Show all the notes which have a selected tag in bear.

rename_tag(name=None, new_name=None) → str

Rename an existing tag.

search(term=None, tag=None) → str

Show search results in Bear for all notes or for a specific tag.

trash(id=None) → str

Move a note to bear trash.

class apps.Beorg

Actions for beorg.

capture(title=None, notes=None, scheduled=None, deadline=None, file=None, template=None, edit=None) → str

Add a new item to a file

view_a_file(file) → str

Open the provided file for viewing

view_agenda() → str

Open the app to the agenda view

class apps.Bitly

Actions for Bitly.

shorten(url) → str

Create a shortened link. The user will be prompted to add the new link to her list of links. If she chooses not to, the link will be returned as a “url” parameter on the x-success callback.

class apps.Blackbox

Actions for Blackbox.


Opens Blackbox.


Presents options for resetting the game.


Unlocks a deep link related meta challenge.

class apps.Byword

Actions for Byword.

append(location=None, path=None, name=None, text=None) → str

Append content to an existing file. If the file does not exist a new one is created.

new(location=None, path=None, name=None, text=None) → str

Create a new file in Byword.

open(location=None, path=None, name=None) → str

Open an existing file. Fails if the file does not exist.

prepend(location=None, path=None, name=None, text=None) → str

Prepend content to an existing file. If the file does not exist a new one is created.

replace(location=None, path=None, name=None, text=None) → str

Replace the contents of an existing file. If the file doesn’t exist a new one is created.

class apps.Calca

Actions for Calca.

calc(body) → str

Calc a block of text and return it to the calling application. The text is computed in the same way as if it were opened in Calca: all lines with => are computed and the values written out.

create(body, title) → str

Create a new document with the given name and contents. It is saved in the active storage location in the folder that was last browsed. The document is opened and set to edit.

class apps.Chrome

Actions for Chrome.

open_url(url) → str

Open the given URL

class apps.Coda

Actions for Coda.

append(name=None, path=None, text=None) → str

Append text to a file, creating it if necessary.

new(name, path=None, text=None) → str

Creates a new file. If one exists, a file with a unique name will be created.

replace(name=None, path=None, text=None) → str

Replaces the contents of a file, creating it if necessary.

class apps.CodeHub

Actions for CodeHub.

create_new_gist(description=None, public=None, fileN=None) → str

Create a new gist on

class apps.Copied

Actions for Copied.

copy_clipping(index, list=None) → str

Copy the clipping at the given index.


Search the content with a query.

new_clipping(title=None, text=None, url=None, list=None) → str

Add a new clipping to Copied. All parameters are option, if neither ”title” nor ”url” are given the content of the clipboard will be used.


Open list with the name ”listName”.


Show the clipboard.

class apps.DayOne

Actions for Day One.

create_entry(entry, tags=None, journal=None, imageClipboard=None)
class apps.DevonthinkToGo

Actions for DEVONthink To Go.

clip(destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Opens the New Document Assistant, pre- filled with the provided data.

create_bookmark(destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new bookmark.

create_document(uti, source, destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new document from UTI and file data.

create_group(destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new group.

create_html(source, destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new HTML document.

create_image(source, destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new image.

create_markdown(destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new Markdown document.

create_text(destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new plain text document.

create_webarchive(destination=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Creates a new webarchive.

Returns the item link for the currently selected document.

import_clipboard() → str

Imports data from the pasteboard to the global inbox.

retrieve_document_data(uuid) → str

Returns selected metadata of a document as JSON object.

retrieve_document_metadata(uuid) → str

Returns selected metadata of a document as JSON object.

retrieve_group_contents(uuid) → str

Returns a JSON array describing the contents of a group.

search(query, scope=None) → str

Search DEVONthink To Go and show or retrieve the results.

update_item(uuid, source=None, destination=None, text=None, title=None, comment=None, location=None, tags=None, flagged=None, unread=None, label=None) → str

Updates an existing item.

class apps.DictCc

Actions for

translate(word=None, language_pair=None) → str

Translate a phrase in

class apps.Drafts5

Actions for Drafts 5.

append(uuid, text, action=None, allowEmpty=None, tag=None) → str

Append the passed text to the end of a draft identified by the UUID argument.

arrange(text, retParam=None) → str

Open Drafts arrange interface. Pass the resulting arranged text to the x-success URL instead of saving it in Drafts.

create(text, tag=None, action=None, allowEmpty=None) → str

Create a new draft with the content passed in the “text” argument.

dictate(locale=None, retParam=None) → str

Open Drafts dictation interface. Pass the resulting dictated text to the x-success URL instead of saving it in Drafts.

get(uuid, retParam=None) → str

Return the current content of the draft specified by the UUID argument as an argument to the x-success URL provided.

open(uuid, action=None, allowEmpty=None) → str

Open an existing draft based on the UUID argument.

prepend(uuid, text, action=None, allowEmpty=None, tag=None) → str

Prepend the passed text to the beginning of a draft identified by the UUID argument.

repace_range(uuid, text, start, length) → str

Replace content in an existing draft, based on a range.

run_action(text, action=None, allowEmpty=None) → str

Run a drafts action on the passed text without saving that text to a draft.

search(query=None, tag=None) → str

Open drafts directly to the draft search field.

workspace(name=None) → str

Open drafts directly the draft list with a named workspace selected.

class apps.Due

Actions for Due.

add(title=None, duedate=None, secslater=None, minslater=None, hourslater=None, timezone=None, recurunit=None, recurfreq=None, recurfromdate=None, recurbyday=None, recurbysetpos=None) → str

Launches Due on the iOS device with the add reminder view prefilled using information provided in the parameters described below.

search(query=None, section=None) → str

Launches Due on the iOS device and searches for a query string in the specified section.

class apps.Fantastical2

Actions for Fantastical 2.

parse(sentence=None, notes=None, add=None, reminder=None, due=None, title=None, location=None, url=None, start=None, end=None, allDay=None) → str

Begin creating a new event with the given sentence.

show(date=None) → str

Jumps to the specified date.

class apps.Gladys

Actions for Gladys.

paste_clipboard(title=None, labels=None, note=None) → str

Paste clipboard into Gladys

class apps.Gmail

Actions for Gmail.

compose(subject=None, body=None, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None) → str

Compose a mail.

class apps.GoogleMaps

Actions for Google Maps.

directions(saddr=None, daddr=None, directionsmode=None) → str

Request and display directions between two locations.

display_a_map(center=None, mapmode=None, views=None, zoom=None) → str

Display the map at a specified zoom level and location. You can also overlay other views on top of your map, or display Street View imagery.

search(q=None, center=None, mapmode=None, views=None, zoom=None) → str

Display search queries in a specified viewport location.

class apps.IcabMobile

Actions for iCab Mobile.

add_bookmark(url, title=None) → str

Adds a bookmark with the given URL and title to the Bookmarks of iCab Mobile

add_filter(url, type=None) → str

Creates a new filter. Without the type parameter, iCab defaults to “block”

add_reading_list(url, title=None) → str

Adds the page with the given URL and title to the Reading list

add_search_engine(url, title=None) → str

Adds a new search engine to the list of search engines.

download(url, filename=None, referrer=None) → str

Starts the download of the file at URL and uses the filename to save it in the download manager.

fullscreen() → str

Launches iCab in fullscreen mode.

normal_mode() → str

Launches iCab in normal mode.

open(url, destination=None, fullscreen=None) → str

Opens the page in the given destination and enters the fullscreen mode when requested. The URL “quickstarter:” can be used to open the Quickstarter page.

search(searchTerm=None) → str

Launches iCab and opens the search window, so the user can directly start entering a search term, if the search term is given, the search is started immediately.

class apps.Infuse

Actions for Infuse.


Opens Infuse.

play_video_in_infuse(url) → str

Plays the video from the provided URL in Infuse.

class apps.Instapaper

Actions for Instapaper.

add_url(url=None) → str

Add the URL to Instapaper.

class apps.Launcher

Actions for Launcher.

add_new_launcher(name, url, iconB64=None, idx=None) → str

Add a new launcher.


Open launcher app.

class apps.MultiTimer

Actions for MultiTimer.

pause_timer(name, board=None) → str
resume_timer(name, board=None) → str
run_command(name) → str
start_timer(name, board=None) → str
stop_timer(name, board=None) → str
class apps.Notes

Actions for Notes.


A direct link to a note. To get the identifier see the documentation url above.

class apps.OmniFocus

Actions for OmniFocus 3.

add(name, note=None, attachment=None, attachment_name=None, parallel=None, flag=None, defer=None, due=None, project=None, context=None, autocomplete=None, estimate=None, reveal_new_items=None, repeat_method=None, completed=None) → str

Add a task to OmniFocus

class apps.OneWriter

Actions for 1Writer.

append(path=None, text=None) → str

Append to an existing document.

content(path=None, param=None) → str

Return content of a document.

create(path=None, name=None, text=None) → str

Create a new document.

create_todo(path=None, name=None, text=None) → str

Create a to-do list by separating lines of the text parameter. You can start a line with ”+” to indicate a completed todo.

open_document(path=None) → str

Create a new document.

prepend(path=None, text=None) → str

Prepend content to an existing document.

replace(path=None, text=None) → str

Replace content of a document.

replace_selection(text=None) → str

Replace selected text in the current editing document.

class apps.Opener

Actions for Opener.

show_options(url, allow_auto_open=None) → str

Show the available options to open a given URL.

show_store_product_details(id) → str

Shows the details of an iTunes product within Opener (or Opener’s action extension if open) in an ”SKStoreProductViewController” or an iOS store app.

class apps.Outlinely

Actions for Outlinely.

insert(text, path, storage=None, parent=None, mode=None) → str

Insert text into an existing outline.

new(text, group, title=None, storage=None, type=None) → str

Create a new outline.

open(path, storage=None) → str

Open an outline.

class apps.Overcast

Actions for Overcast.

add_url(url=None) → str

Subscribe to a new show under the given URL

class apps.PriceTag

Actions for Price Tag.


Import apps into Price Tag.

search(key, p=None)

Searches Price Tag.


Show the app detail using the App Store ID of the App.


Show the app detail using the App Store URL of the App.


Open the Explore tab.


Open the Favorite tab.


Open the Price Drop tab.

class apps.Prizmo

Actions for Prizmo Go.

capture_text(language=None, destination=None, pasteboardName=None, cropMode=None) → str

Start Prizmo to take a picture and perform English OCR on it. The following options are supported:

read_text(text, voice=None, language=None) → str

Will read the provided text with the Ryan voice in Prizmo Voice Reader.

class apps.RunJavascript

Actions for RunJavaScript.

run(script=None, file=None, baseURL=None, input=None, inputName=None) → str
class apps.Scriptable

Actions for Scriptable.


Add a new script.

open_script(scriptName, openSettings=None)

Add a new script.


Opens Scriptable.


Run a script.

class apps.Shopi

Actions for Shopi.

add_list_item(list, name, amount=None, crossed=None) → str

Add an item to a list (or the currently displayed list if not specified).

clear_list_items(name, crossed_only=None) → str

Clear items from a list.

create_list(name) → str

Create a new list

show_all_lists() → str

Ensure the main display is showing the view showing all shopping lists.

show_list(name) → str

Show a specific list.

class apps.Shortcuts

Actions for Shortcuts.


Jump to the shortcut editor and to create a new, empty shortcut.

import_a_shortcut(url, name=None, silent=None) → str

You can import .shortcut files into the Shortcuts app and add them to your collection. This is useful, for example, if you want to share a shortcut online and provide a link for others to quickly add it to their library.


Launch the app to a particular shortcut in your collection.

Open Shortcuts on the main page of the Gallery.


Launch the app to the state when it was last used.

run_a_shortcut(name, input=None, text=None) → str

This functionality may be useful in automation systems that extend beyond Shortcuts itself, so that other apps can run a shortcut in your collection. Or you could use the Shortcuts URL scheme in a task manager like OmniFocus or Todoist for running a shortcut as one step in a project.

Search the gallery

class apps.Spark

Actions for Spark.

compose(subject=None, body=None, recipient=None)

Open a new email draft in Spark

class apps.StoryPlanner

Actions for Story Planner.

add(title) → str

Add a new project.

project_by_identifier(id, tab=None) → str

Open an existing project by identifier. You can get the identifier within the project by opening export options and choosing “Copy identifier”.

project_by_title(title, tab=None) → str

Open an existing project by title.

class apps.Tally2

Actions for Tally 2.

decrement(title, retParam=None) → str

Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and decrement it. Decrement will be based on the configuration of the tally – so if it is set to step by 5, the decrement will be by five.

get(title, retParam=None) → str

Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and call the x-success parameter URL with the current value of the tally added as a parameter.

increment(title, retParam=None) → str

Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and increment it. Increment will be based on the configuration of the tally – so if it is set to step by 5, the increment will be by five.

open(title) → str
reset(title, retParam=None) → str

Lookup the tally based on the title parameter, and reset it to it’s initial value.

class apps.Terminology

Actions for Terminology.

lookup(text, action=None) → str

Launch Terminology and lookup the text, just as if the user had searched for and selected the text from inside Terminology.

search(text) → str

Launches Terminology directly to search for the value of the text parameter.

class apps.Textastic

Actions for Textastic.

append(location=None, path=None, name=None, text=None, snippet=None) → str

Open an existing file or create a new file and append text. If neither the text parameter nor the snippet parameter is specified, the text to append will come from the clipboard.

new_file(location=None, path=None, name=None, text=None, snippet=None) → str

Create a new file in the local file system or in iCloud. If neither the text parameter nor the snippet parameter is specified, the text to append will come from the clipboard.

open_file(location=None, path=None, name=None) → str

Open an existing file in the local file system or in iCloud. If the file doesn’t exist, calls the url from the x-error parameter.

replace(location=None, path=None, name=None, text=None, snippet=None) → str

Open an existing file or create a new file and replace its contents with the specified text. If neither the text parameter nor the snippet parameter is specified, the text to append will come from the clipboard.

class apps.TextkraftPocket

Actions for Textkraft.

append(text=None) → str

Appends text to the current (frontmost) document, if this is an editable text document.

create(text=None) → str

Creates a new document.

class apps.Things3

Actions for Things 3.

add(title=None, titles=None, notes=None, when=None, deadline=None, tags=None, checklist_items=None, list_id=None, list=None, heading=None, completed=None, canceled=None, show_quick_entry=None, reveal=None, creation_date=None, completion_date=None)

Add a to-do.

add_project(title=None, notes=None, when=None, deadline=None, tags=None, area_id=None, area=None, to_dos=None, completed=None, canceled=None, reveal=None, creation_date=None, completion_date=None)

Add a project.

json(auth_token=None, data=None, reveal=None)

Things also has an advanced, JSON-based add command that allows more control over the projects and to-dos imported into Things. This command is intended to be used by app developers or other people familiar with scripting or programming.


Invoke and show the search screen.

show(id=None, query=None, filter=None)

Navigate to and show an area, project, tag or to-do, or one of the built-in lists, optionally filtering by one or more tags.

update(auth_token, id, title=None, notes=None, prepend_notes=None, append_notes=None, when=None, deadline=None, tags=None, add_tags=None, checklist_items=None, prepend_checklist_items=None, append_checklist_items=None, list_id=None, list=None, heading=None, completed=None, canceled=None, reveal=None, duplicate=None, creation_date=None, completion_date=None)

Update an existing to-do.

update_project(auth_token, id, title=None, notes=None, prepend_notes=None, append_notes=None, when=None, deadline=None, tags=None, add_tags=None, area_id=None, area=None, completed=None, canceled=None, reveal=None, duplicate=None, creation_date=None, completion_date=None)

Update an existing project.


The version of the Things app and URL scheme.

class apps.Timepage

Actions for Timepage.

add_event(title=None, day=None) → str
get_event(event=None) → str

Get a specified event and return its details via a specified callback URL.


Open Timepage and show a specified day.


Open Timepage and show a specified event.


Open Timepage and show a specified event on the map


Open Timepage and show a specified month


Open Timepage and show weather for a specified day.


Open Timepage and show weather for a specified week.


Open Timepage and show a specified week


Open Timepage and show search results for the specified search terms.

class apps.Todoist

Actions for Todoist.

add_task(content=None, date=None, priority=None)

Opens the add task view to add a new task to Todoist.


Opens the filters view (shows all filters).


Opens the labels view (shows all labels).


Opens Todoist.


Opens a specific filter using the id of the filter.


Opens the inbox view.


Opens a specific label using the id of the label.


Opens the next 7 days view.


Opens the profile view.


Opens a specific project using the id of the project.


Opens the team inbox view. If the user doesn’t have a business account (access to team inbox), it will show an alert saying that he/she doesn’t have access to the team inbox because he/she doesn’t have a business account and will be redirected automatically to the inbox view.


Opens the today view.


Opens the projects view (shows all projects).


Used to search in the Todoist application.

class apps.Trello

Actions for Trello.

create_board(name=None, organization=None, permission=None) → str

Creates a new board.

create_card(id=None, shortlink=None, name=None, description=None, list_id=None, use_pasteboard=None) → str

Creates a new card in a specified board.

show_board(id=None, shortlink=None) → str

Links to a board.

show_cards(id=None, shortlink=None) → str

Links to a card.

class apps.TwoDo

Actions for 2Do.

add_new_task(ignoreDefaults=None) → str

Launch the app with the New Task Screen.

add_task(task=None, type=None, forList=None, forParentName=None, forParentTask=None, note=None, priority=None, starred=None, tags=None, locations=None, due=None, dueTime=None, start=None, repeat=None, action=None, picture=None, audio=None, ignoreDefaults=None, useQuickEntry=None, saveInClipboard=None) → str
get_task_unique_identifier(task=None, forList=None, saveInClipboard=None) → str

Returns the internally used unique identifier for the task. x-success is filled with the a key named ”uid”

paste_text(text, inProject=None, forList=None) → str

Turn text into tasks.

search(text=None) → str

Launch the app with Search pre filled.

show_all_focus_list() → str
show_list(name=None) → str

Show List with a given name.

show_scheduled_focus_list() → str
show_starred_focus_list() → str
show_today_focus_list() → str
class apps.Ulysses

Actions for Ulysses.

attach_image(id=None, image=None, format=None, filename=None) → str

Creates a new image attachment on a sheet.

attach_keywords(id=None, keywords=None) → str

Adds one or more keywords to a sheet.

attach_note(id=None, text=None, format=None) → str

Creates a new note attachment on a sheet.

copy(id=None, targetGroup=None, index=None) → str

Copies an item (sheet or group) to a target group and/or to a new position.

get_item_group(id=None, recursive=None) → str

Retrieves information about a group. Requires authorization.

get_item_sheet(id=None) → str

Retrieves information about a sheet. Requires authorization.

get_root_items(recursive=None) → str

Retrieves information about the root sections. Can be used to get a full listing of the entire Ulysses library. Requires authorization.

insert(id=None, text=None, format=None, position=None, newline=None) → str

Inserts or appends text to a sheet.

move(id=None, targetGroup=None, index=None) → str

Moves an item (sheet or group) to a target group and/or to a new position. Requires authorization.

new_group(name=None, parent=None, index=None) → str

Creates a new group.

new_sheet(text=None, group=None, format=None, index=None) → str

Creates a new sheet.

open_all() → str

Opens the special “All” group

open_favorites() → str

Opens the special “Favorites” group

open_recent() → str

Opens the special “Last 7 days” group

read_sheet(id=None, text=None, Open=None) → str

Retrieves the contents (text, notes, keywords) of a sheet. Requires authorization.

remove_keywords(id=None, keywords=None) → str

Removes one or more keywords from a sheet. Requires authorization.

remove_note(id=None, index=None) → str

Removes a note attachment from a sheet. Requires authorization.

set_group_title(group=None, title=None) → str

Changes the title of a group. Requires authorization.

set_sheet_title(sheet=None, type=None, title=None) → str

Changes the first paragraph of a sheet. Requires authorization. If the sheet has a first paragraph with the requested type, the paragraph contents will be changed (a heading replaces any existing heading). Otherwise, a new paragraph with the requested type and contents will be inserted at the beginning of the sheet.

trash(id=None) → str

Moves an item (sheet or group) to the trash. Requires authorization.

update_note(id=None, text=None, format=None, index=None) → str

Changes an existing note attachment on a sheet. Requires authorization.

class apps.Vlc

Actions for VLC.

download(url=None, filename=None) → str

Download the file provided by the ”url” parameter

stream(url=None) → str

Plays the stream provided by the ”url” parameter

class apps.Workflow

Actions for Workflow.


Jump to My Workflows and create an empty new workflow.

import_a_workflow(url=None, name=None, silent=None) → str

Workflow also has the ability to accept .wflow files and import them into My Workflows. This is useful, for example, if you would like to share a workflow online and provide a link for others to instantly add it to their library.


Launch the app to a particular workflow in your collection.

Open workflow on the main page of the gallery.


Launch the app to the state when it was last used.

run_a_workflow(name=None, input=None, text=None) → str

This functionality may be useful in automation systems that extend beyond Workflow itself, so other apps can run a workflow in your collection. Or, you could utilize this URL in a task manager like OmniFocus or Todoist for running a workflow as one step in a project.

Search the gallery

class apps.WorkingCopy

Actions for Working Copy.

committing_changes(key, repo, message, path=None, limit=None) → str

Commit files, directories or entire repository.

moving_files(key, repo, source, destination) → str

Move or rename files within a repository.

pull_from_remote(key, repo, remote=None) → str

Fetch and merge changes from remote.

push_to_remote(key, repo, remote=None) → str

Send commits back to the origin remote.

reading_files(key, repo=None, path=None, base64=None, uti=None) → str

You can get the contents of text or binary files.

writing_files(key, repo=None, path=None, text=None, base64=None, askcommit=None, append=None, overwrite=None, filename=None, uti=None) → str

Write to existing or new files.